Teaching GuideTerm
Higher Technical University College of Architecture
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Mestrado Universitario en Arquitectura
  Advanced Architectural Design
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Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Advanced Architectural Design Code 630519005
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree Yearly
First Obligatory 9
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Proxectos Arquitectónicos, Urbanismo e Composición
Creus Andrade, Juan Jose
Crespo Gonzalez, Cristobal
Creus Andrade, Juan Jose
Fernández-Albalat Ruiz, Andrés
Martínez González, Carlos
Meijide Tomas, Jorge Vicente
Penela Fernández, Alfonso Carlos
Prieto López, Juan Ignacio
Vidal Pérez, Francisco José
General description A materia PROXECTOS AVANZADOS DE ARQUITECTURA, ademáis do tratamento teórico de temas instrumentais e de reflexión, ten un enfoque eminentemente práctico, analítico e profesional. O tema tratado e o traballo realizado nesta asignatura serve de base necesaria para o desenrolo do PFC no seguinte cuatrimestre na materia TFM. Consiste na elaboración dun documento de proxecto, a nivel de Proxecto Básico, no que o alumno analiza o lugar, representa o seu estado actual e desenrola ideas que conflúen nun proxecto de arquitectura que define e resolve as relacións territoriais e paisaxísticas, a distribución e aspectos funcionais, o volume e a implantación urbanística, así como os aspectos máis relevantes do soporte e relación co terreo ou a materialidade e acabados principais dos seus elementos. O traballo, inda que faise de xeito individual, conta con fases de análise e elaboración colaborativa e participativa implementado ferramentas relacionadas co manexo de escalas, condicións de uso, materiais e novas tecnoloxías. Os temas de proxecto serán elixidos para cada Curso Académico, tendo en conta problemáticas actuáis da sociedade que a arquitectura debe resolver e que terán desenrolo nos Obradoiros do TFM con maior profundidade técnica e proxectual. A través de sesións de posta en común, contarase coa opinión, tanto de axentes relacionados co tema proposto como de arquitectos que expliquen as súas propias obras, poñendo especial atención nos procesos de traballo.
Contingency plan 1. Modifications to the contents -No changes will be made 2. Methodologies *Teaching methodologies to be maintained - All except Collaborative learning *Teaching methodologies to be modified - Collaborative learning that is interrupted during the periods of confinement will be replaced by an intensification of the Analysis of documentary sources. 3. Mechanisms for personalized attention to students - E-mail: it is used to make consultations, request virtual meetings to solve doubts and follow up the supervised work. - Moodle: according to the student's needs. They have "thematic forums associated to the modules" of the subject, to formulate the necessary consultations. There are also "forums of specific activities" to develop the "Directed Discussions", through which the development of the theoretical contents of the subject is put into practice. - Teams: weekly sessions in large or small groups (up to 6 people) that will be scheduled according to the hours assigned to the subject in the center's timetable and the particular follow-up needs established for the adequate monitoring of the supervised work. This dynamic allows a standardized and adjusted follow-up of the student's learning needs to develop the work of the subject. 4. Modifications in the evaluation The supervised work and portfolios of the student, in case of impossibility of face-to-face delivery, will only be delivered in digital format through the Moodle tool. Evaluation: Supervised assignments and student portfolios: In relation to the supervised assignments and student portfolios, the following will be evaluated: - The methodological adequacy of the work proposals. - The depth of the content. - The mastery of the applications used in the elaboration of the socio-educational proposals. - The treatment of a language specific to the disciplinary context. - The use of complementary and current documentary sources. - The presentation and clarity of the presentation. *Evaluation observations: - Students will be required to actively participate, which will allow them to monitor and evolve their work and verify their authorship. To do this, open assignments will be available on Moodle. - Deliveries will be made through the Moodle platform, with the same criteria established for face-to-face teaching, eliminating the delivery of material at the ETSAC facilities. - It will not be necessary to make deliveries in physical format. However, students may be required to show working models during public presentations. 5. Modifications to the bibliography or webgraphy - No changes will be made. They already have all the work materials digitized in Moodle. english spanish translator Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes