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Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda
  Tendencias Globais en Moda: Transformación Dixital e Sustentabilidade
Temas Subtemas
Globalization and complexity in the fashion value chain Definition of fashion value chain
Globalization of production and consumption of fashion
Complexity: outsourcing and offshoring
Social and environmental sustainability: responsible consumption and corporate social responsibility Definitions and key concepts
CSR: towards a new management model?
CSR and Social Innovation in the fashion industry
Compliance: regulation and self-regulation in the fashion industry Definition and origins of compliance
Hard law vs soft law in the fashion industry
International networks, norms and standards
Traceability of the fashion supply chain Definition of traceability
Transparent supply chains
Tools and mechanisms for traceability and transparency
Customer experience Definition of customer experience
Rethinking the customer experience in fashion
Measuring customer experience
Digital transformation of brick and mortar stores Omnichannel fashion retailing for digital and mobile customers
The new role of physical stores in the new fashion customer journey
Digital applications in physical stores: tools and benefits
Collaborative economy and circular economy Definitions and key concepts
Business at the bottom of the pyramid and other ways of collaborative economy
Circular Economy in the fashion industry
Digital disruption, artificial intelligence and automation Definitions and concepts
New challenges for Business
The new paradigms and the stakeholders
Customization Definition, origins and evolution
From "just in case" to "just in time": the big transformation in production and consumption
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes