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Escola Politécnica de Enxeñaría de Ferrol
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Máster Universitario en Tecnoloxía Textil e Moda Sustentable (MUTTMS)
 Study programme competences / results

TypeA Code  
  Research guided
  AR1 COMP-01 - Solve problems with initiative and make decisions with creativity and critical thinking.
  AR2 COMP-02 - Communicate and transmit knowledge, skills, and abilities in textile technology and sustainable fashion.
  AR3 COMP-03 - Promote creativity, innovation, and technology transfer in the textile sector.
  AR4 COMP-04 - Elaborate, develop, and manage R&D&I projects in the textile field.
  AR5 COMP-05 - Integrate knowledge and make judgments, including reflections on social and ethical responsibilities.
  AR6 COMP-06 - Plan and coordinate tasks in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary teams offering proposals that contribute to the effectiveness of collaborative work.
  AR7 CON-01 - Understand textiles' nature, structures, manufacturing methods, and properties.
  AR8 CON-02 - Distinguish industrial and market development trends in the textile sector.
  AR9 CON-03 - Identify the properties of fibers and yarns and know how to apply their manufacturing technologies.
  AR10 CON-04 - Distinguish the different spinning and weaving technologies for the development of fabrics.
  AR11 CON-05 - Recognize the different dyeing, finishing, and printing processes.
  AR12 CON-06 - Identify environmental and sustainability technologies in textile design and technology.
  AR13 CON-07 - Distinguish analytical techniques for research and development activities in textile processes.
  AR14 CON-08 - To recognize the environmental problems related to the textile industry and the technologies and systems of environmental management technologies and systems available to address them in line with the SDGs.
  AR15 CON-09 - Interpret legislation and regulations in the textile field.
  AR16 CON-10 - Recognize the needs associated with entrepreneurship, analyzing the technical requirements.
  AR17 HAB-01 - Investigate new materials for their application in the textile sector and develop composite materials, optimizing their properties and production processes to guarantee their quality and safety.
  AR18 HAB-02 - Apply advanced manufacturing technologies for the generation of functional, interactive, and intelligent textiles.
  AR19 HAB-03 - Use information technologies for the development of research tasks, as well as for the control and improvement of the quality of any textile process or product.
  AR20 HAB-04 - Employ environmental and sustainability criteria in the use of raw materials.
  AR21 HAB-05 - Ensure compliance with quality standards and applicable legislation in producing textile innovations.
  AR22 HAB-06 - Develop and characterize new textile products according to applicable regulations for their development.
  AR23 HAB-07 - Detect synergies of textile products in other fields of application.
  AR24 HAB-08 - Use essential tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) necessary to exercise their profession.
TypeB Code  
TypeC Code  
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes