Teaching GuideTerm
Polytechnic University Collage
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Mestrado Universitario en Eficiencia e Aproveitamento Enerxético
  Zero-Emission Buildings and Efficiency Rehabilitation Strategies
Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Exhibition sessions where knowledge related to zero-emission buildings is taught: historical framing, climate, typologies, materials, regulations, conception, design, safety, assessment, prescription, conservation, injuries and repair. All this based on the demands demanded and in accordance with the architectural project
Providing a reference documentation that allows the student to be provided with bibliographic resources with which it is handled with comfort, it is not sought a memorístico knowledge of the contents, but an intelligent knowledge of the matter. Knowledge in which the teaching of the injury and mistakes made in different works plays a fundamental aspect, especially when it is possible to accompany them with images that, due to their didactic value, allow the student to appreciate the transcendence of the decisions made. It is assessed through an objective test and several multiple answers
Case study In the development of the classes buildings of zero emissions of contrasted architectural quality will be exhibited in which the materialization of the architectural ideas is appreciated, their technical and documentary development, serving as a model for the development of the workshop work. It will be evaluated within the Workshop
Workshop The Workshop is a space of work and exchange designed to facilitate the confluence of the contents of the different subjects around architecture, guaranteeing the optimization of teaching resources and rationalizing student work. The Workshop aims to establish mechanisms of coordination and transversality throughout the studies, avoiding duplication and repetition in the contents, facilitating the efficient transit of the student between successive semesters, alleviating the negative impact that the dispersion of subjects studied in different semesters by large part of the students has in the required efficiency of the teaching system. The Workshop is proposed as a tool for the development and evaluation of the competences related to the architectural creation
The realization of practices, as the basis of teaching, in which the student finds an immediate identification between the compositional ideas and its constructive materialization applying the theoretical knowledge of the master classes. Planning the constructive development of significant architectures, by the student, with the support and explanatory development of the processes in the interactive classes
Compulsory partial deliveries will be made
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes