Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Humanities
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Grao en Relacións Internacionais
  Economics of Globalization
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1. A toolkit for understanding the economy.
Topic 2. An approach to the different definitions of globalisation.
Topic 3. Economic growth and the process of globalisation after the Second World War.
Topic 4. Liberalisation of trade and financial flows. The role of International Institutions and Organisations.
Topic 5. Different perspectives of globalisation. Positive vs. negative effects.
Topic 6. Globalisation and its discontent.
Topic 7. Trade flows and globalisation. International value chains.
Topic 8. Multinational companies and foreign direct investment flows. Effects on development.
Topic 9. The impacts of globalisation on relations between developed and less developed countries.
Topic 10. The experience of the OECD countries, the BRICs. The losers in the globalisation process.
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