Topic |
Sub-topic |
Introduction |
Chapter 1: The concept of multimedia communication modeling. A brief description of elements for multimedia systems. User and network requirements together with the packet transfer concept. An overview of multimedia terminals.
As a general introduction to the subject, this chapter includes terminology and concepts related to the elements of multimedia as well as the development of multimedia applications and computer hardware, network requirements and storage devices for their distribution and careers in Information and Communication Technologies.
Elements of Multimedia: Text, audio, pictures, video and interaction |
Chapter 2: Multimedia communication is more than simply putting together text, audio, images and video. Recent trends in multimedia research to exploit the audio-visual interaction and to build the link between audio and video processing. Hp reading, synchronization and tracing audio-to-visual mapping as well as the bimodal person verification.
This chapter includes vocabulary and concepts related to text, audio, images and video as well as authoring tools and how data are stored and represented in a computer system.
Digital copyrights, hardware, storage. |
Chapter 3: Multimedia processing in communication. Analysis of digital media and signal processing elements. Description of a general framework for image copyright protection through digital watermarking. Revision of the key attributes of neural processing essential to intelligent multimedia processing. Recent large-scale-integration programmable processors designed for multimedia processing such as real-time compression and decompression of audio and video as well as the next generation of computer graphics.
This chapter includes terms related to the description of the general trends in the evolution of modern computers, an outline of the main types of computers in use today and their practical uses. It describes the function and relationships between the internal components of a personal computer, including the motherboard, processor, random-access memory and other memories, ports, buses,expansion boards, and PC cards, it distinguishes processors by their word size, speed, and memory and identifies new approaches to traditional processor design.
Multimedia Networks and Networking |
Chapter 4: Issues concerning distributed multimedia systems. Main features, resource management, networking and multimedia operating systems. Identification of the applications like interactive television, telecooperation and hypermedia, and a survey of the important enabling technologies.
This chapter deals with terms and concepts related to operating systems and software packages, distributed multimedia systems, interactivity and e-learning.
Video, audio and standards |
Chapter 5: Multimedia communication standards. Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG)-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)-2000, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, International Telecommunications UnionTelecommunication Sector (ITU-T) and Internet standards. The ITU-T standardization process in multimedia communications from the video and speech coding, as well as from multimedia, multiplex and synchronization points of view.
This chapter includes terms and concepts related to video editing, its formats and standards as well as technologies related to speech recognition.
Multimedia and the Internet |
Chapter 6: Multimedia communication across networks. An introduction about packet audio-video in the network environment. The concept of video transport across generic networks. Multimedia transport over ATM networks. |
Multimedia development |
Chapter 7: Multimedia development. Structured analysis and techniques, data flow diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, flowcharting, programming languages, scripting, pitching. |
Writing a News Story |
Chapter 8: What can I write about? What is news? Identify what kind of story it is: Hard news, soft news, feature, editorial, youthbeat, opinion column. Structure for your article: The lead, a hard news story, a soft news story, the body. |
Tips for news writing and editing |
Chapter 9: Finding story ideas: Talk to people in a specific field. Newsgathering: Create a list, collect government statistics and reports. Interviewing do’s and don’ts: Tape the interview, start with easy questions, end with difficult questions. Organizing the information: Write the focus, develop a focus. Writing and editing: narrator or teller, rewriting, clear and concise, run-on sentences. Young People’s Press. |
Key concepts and skills |
Chapter 10: Communication processes. Main media forms. Media language. Forms and conventions. Audiences and institutions. Representation and ideology. Media products. Analytical skills. Evaluative skills. Iconography. |
Audio-visual and print-based media language and vocabulary |
Chapter 11: Analyzing the moving image. Camerawork. Editing sound and vision. Sound. Special effects. Focus genre. Technical terms for analyzing print. Magazines. Newspapers. Codes and conventions. Documentary forms. Images and analysis. Grammar: 10 common mistakes. Spelling. Punctuation. Reporting speech. Figures. Style guide. |
Writing communication notes, messages, announcements and correspondence. |
Chapter 12: Commercial and professional correspondence. The taking of telephone messages. Writing e-mails. Preparation of the Curriculum Vitae