Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Health Sciences
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Grao en Terapia Ocupacional
  Ergonomics, Accessibility, Universal Design and Functional Adaptation
Topic Sub-topic
Unit 1.- Models inclusivos for the personal autonomy, worthy and independent life. Physical barriers and socioculturales. Discrimination. Other barriers: Social Exclusion versus Social Marginalisation.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Model Rehabilitador versus Social Model. The union does the strength.
Physical barriers and partner-cultural.
Sociology of the Inequality.
Social marginalisation: historical Concepts, current and according to satisfaction of the needs.
Social exclusion.
Social exclusion versus social Marginalisation.
Social and Cultural barriers.
Communities of exclusion/social/disadvantaged marginalisation.
Unit 2.- The universal social participation in the Environmet. The Universal Design for the Accessibility.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Environment: Overview and Concepts.
- Accessibility / Environment. European concept.
- Middle environmental sustainability.
- Types of Environments.
- Rating scales accessibility / environment: Housing Enabler.
- Symbology accessibility
Universal Design: basic principles (Ron Mace).
- A Matter of Inclusion.
- Visitability and Adaptability.
- Health and security.
- Universal Design Criteria.
Unit 3.- Juridical and legal frame of the Accessibility and the Universal Design.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Conceptos básicos.
Unit 4.- Accessibility and Sustainable Development .
Think Global, Act Local.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Sustainable developmental objectives. Diary 2030.
United Nations, Europe, Spain and Galicia. Importance of the Objective of the Development of the Millennium and of the Objective developmental Sustainable.
New Paradigms.
Unit 5.- Technical of Prevention of labour risks.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Prevention of labour risks (PRL):
- basic Concepts on seguridady health.
- Specialitys of PRL: Security in the work, industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Psicosociología applied.
Unit 6.- Domotic and Robotic.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Control of the surroundings: Generalities.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego
Conceptos básicos. Aproximación con vídeos y teoría discursiva
Seminario 3: PREVENCIÓN DE RIESGOS LABORALES Conceptos básicos. Clase invertida
Unit 7.- Intervention on the environment from Occupational Therapy. Prof. Vanessa García Crespo. Theoretical argumentation. Influence of the environment on the occupation of the individuals.
Methodology of intervention on the environment:
- Accessibility
- Universal design
- Functional adaptation
Unit 8.- Accessibility and universal design as a means of participation.
Prof. Vanessa García Crespo
Assessment and advice of Occupational Therapy in terms of accessibility of public spaces.
- Registration of information: criteria for making a report
Criteria of universality in the design of devices and environments.
Accessibility vs? Universal design.
Unit 9.- Functional adaptation / reasonable adjustment. Prof. Vanessa García Crespo. Planning the intervention: assessment and advice from the Occupational Therapy.
Design of functional environments in the home.
Design of functional environments at work / school.
Execution of technical reports.
Reasoning applied to practical cases.
Unit 10.- Ergonomics.
Prof. Vanessa García Crespo.
Generalities and concepts.
Types of Ergonomics.
Labor Ergonomics.
Unit 11.- Planning and ergonomic design of products.
Prof. Vanessa García Crespo.
Ergonomic design goals.
Recommendations based on anthropometric data.
Recommendations based on individual characteristics of individuals.
Unit 12.- Individual-environment-occupation adjustment methodologies applied to the job.
Prof. Vanessa García Crespo.
Introduction to adjustment methods for labor and social integration.
Analysis of different adjustment methods (LB profiling method, IBV ErgoDis): practice.
Application of adjustment methods to Occupational Therapy intervention: functional adaptation of the environment and ergonomic analysis of the workplace.
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