The UDC Library system allows to search online for recommended literature by professor and by subject. This is an expanded list of recommended sources of information: Mechanical properties of polymers and composites / Lawrence E. Nielsen, Robert F. Landel
Nielsen, Lawrence E.
Esc Politécnica Superior -- CM P 154 -- VENCE 06-06-16
Thermal analysis. Fundamentals and applications to materialcharacterization: proceedings of the international seminar: Thermal analysisand rheology. Ferrol, Spain, 30Juny-4 July, 2003 / Ramón Artiaga Díaz (ed.), A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña,Servicio de Publicacions, 2005, ISBN 84-9749-100-9 Thermal analysis of polymers / edited by Joseph D. Menczel, R. Bruce Prime; Hoboken, N.J.: JohnWiley, [2009], ISBN 978-0-471-76917-0 Thermal characterization of polymeric materials / edited byEdith A. Turi, San Diego : Academic Press, 1997, 2nd. ed. ISBN 0-12-703781-0(v.1) 0-12-703782-9 (v.2) |