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Mestrado Universitario en Materiais Complexos: Análise Térmica e Reoloxía (plan 2012)
  Thermal treatments and analysis by laser
Topic Sub-topic
The following blocks or topics develop the contents established in the Verification Report, which are: Laser irradiation of the material and subsequent thermal effects.
Treatments by laser heating. Laser-based instrumental methods for analysis and characterization of materials.
1. Laser fundamentals 1.1 Basic laser mechanisms
1.2 Optics and beam manipulation
1.3 Types of lasers
2. Laser heat treatment 2.1 Interaction phenomena
2.2 Basic regimes of the heating
2.3 Types of heat treatments
3. Laser analysis 3.1 Fundamentals of laser spectroscopy
3.2 Types of laser spectroscopy techniques
3.3 Laser induced plasma spectroscopy
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