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Grao en Enxeñaría Electrónica Industrial e Automática
  Differential Equations
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test A6 B1 B2 C6 C1 C5
Written test including the resolution of problems and short questions (related to theoretical and practical subjects)
Laboratory practice A6 B1 B3 B4 B6 C2 Solving practical problems and illustration of theoretical aspects with the help of the computer program Matlab/Octave 10
Problem solving A6 B2 C2 Formularanse cuestións prácticas nas que o alumnado buscará a solución a un determinado problema. 20
Assessment comments

The final grade of this subjet consists of
three parts:

  • the
    grade obtained in laboratory practice, based on deliverables related to lab
    tasks: NP (between 0 and 0.5)
  • the
    grade obtained in the assorted objective test: NE (between 0 and 7.5) from
    which 0.5 points come from the final lab test and 7 points from the January
    final test.
  • the grade
    obtained in the problem solving classes: NS (between 0 and 2), from which 1
    point comes from deliverables related to class tasks, and 1 point from the
    partial test.

The final grade will be the sum of
NP+NE+NS as long as the following two conditions are met:

  • unjustified
    absence to problem solving classes do not exceed 20% and
  • the
    grade obtained in the assorted objective test NE is greater than 2.65.

Otherwise, the final grade will be the one
obtained in the objective test NE (7.5 at most).

The grades NP and NS are retained for the
present course until the second opportunity exam in July.

Should a student prefer
to be graded just with the January final test, he/she needs to explicitly ask for it during the first
weeks of the semester, and in any case before any continuous evaluation test or
deliverable is handed. As soon as any part of NS is graded, it will no longer
be possible to desist
from continuous evaluation. 

Part-time students with academic
dispensation are graded through:

  • the
    grade obtained with a lab practice report: NP (between 0 and 0.5)
  • the
    grade obtained with the assorted objective test: (between 0 and 7.5) from which
    0.5 points come from the final lab test and 7 points from the January final
  • The grade of an essay applied to a real
    Engeneering problem: NS (between 0 and 2).

The final grade will be the sum of

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