Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Grao en Economía
  Principles of Microeconomics
Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A5 A9 A12 B2 Assessment of the answers provided by the students to the different problems sets proposed by the professor. Written tests, face-to-fae or online, may be proposed, and they would be part of the Continuous Assessment activities. 10
Case study A6 A10 B3 C2 C3 Assessment of the solutions provided by the students to the different case studies proposed by the professor. Written tests, face-to-fae or online, may be proposed, and they would be part of the Continuous Assessment activities. 10
Mixed objective/subjective test C5 C7 Assessment of the answers to an objective test that will consist of different types of questions about the topics covered throughout the whole course, and that it will take place in the (first) official opportunity. 70
Directed discussion A13 B9 Assessment of the arguments provided by the students to the different scenarios related to the Microeconomic Theory proposed by the professor. Written tests, face-to-fae or online, may be proposed, and they would be part of the Continuous Assessment activities. 10
Assessment comments


- Unless something different is formally mentioned by the professors of the course, it is completely forbidden to attend the assessment activities with any device that allows the student to either communicate with people outside the room or store information. During the exams the mobiles must be switched off at all times.

- The student must prove her/his identity in accordance with the current regulation.


- The interactive sessions that will take place throughout the course may consist of problem solving, case study and/or directed discussion. As indicated in the methodologies, the interactive sessions represent 30% of the final mark, and hence they amount to a maximum of 3 points.

- The tests and activities carried out throughout the course, even with face-to-face classes, may be held in virtual mode.

- The mark of the interactive sessions will be added to that obtained in the objective test, provided that a minimum mark of 3,5 points, of a maximum of 7, is obtained in this objective test. To pass the subject the student must obtain a total mark of, at least, 5 out of 10.

- Any student who takes part in less than 20% of the assessment activities will get the "No Presentado" final mark.

- The part time students and to those who have the “dispensa académica” will have the chance to complete the interactive sessions after adapting them to their specific situation.


- The assessment criterion is the same for all the opportunities.

- In the early opportunity (“convocatoria adelantada”), if it is not possible to carry out the interactive sessions, an exam of the entire subject will be proposed with the chance to obtain the full mark.

- In the second opportunity the student must obtain a mark of at least 3,5 out of 7 in the objective test. If the final mark after adding the mark of the interactive sessions carried out throughout the course is not enough to pass the subject (a minimum of 5 out of 10), the student will have the right to repeat those parts of the interactive sessions that are possible to recover.


- All the aspects related to “dispensa académica”, “dedicación al studio”, “permanencia” and “fraude académico” are subject to the current legislation of the UDC.


- Students are encouraged to attend the lectures and to show an important level of participation. We strongly recommend the use of the textbooks listed in the “sources of information” section. Additionally, students must try to solve the problem sets when they are published, and they should attend the office hours whenever they have difficulties to follow any of the topics of the course.

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