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Mestrado Universitario en Políticas Sociais e Intervención Sociocomunitaria
  Comparative social policies
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introducción: Como plantear un estudio de las Políticas Sociales en Perspectiva Comparada 1.1. Metodología de trabajo
1.2. Enfoque y discusión
1. Background of Welfare State 1.1. The change in the role of the State: Liberal, Providence, Welfare (basic differences)
1.2. Social risks and the birth of the first social insurance: labour accidents, health, pensions and unemployment
1.3. Characteristics of the first models of social insurance: financing, coverage and benefits.
1.4. Limitations in the protection from the State: mixed economy of well-being. State, private sector, families and civil society
3. From the Welfare State to the Neoliberal State: the great transformation 3.1. Fundamental concepts to understand Capitalism and its crises
3.2. The crisis of 73 & Washington Consensus: the social and political consequences.
3.3. Rise of neoliberal ideology: defining characteristics.
3.4. The 2008 financial crisis: a turning point?
4. Health Systems in Spain and the European Union 4.1. The risk of disease: long-term evolution
4.2. Typology of health systems in the European Union.
4.3. Specific characteristics of the health insurance in Spain.
5. Labour accident management policies in Spain and the European Union 5.1. The risk of labour accidents: long-term evolution
5.2. Typology of labour accident management systems
5.3. Specific characteristics of the occupational accident management system in Spain
6. Employment policies in Spain and in the European Union 6.1. Employment policy in Spain: long-term evolution
6.2. Unemployment & precarious employment in Spain and in the European Union
6.3. The structural imbalance of the labour market in Spain and unemployment subsidy
7. Pension policies in Spain and the European Union 7.1. Pensions in a context of demographic change
7.2. Typology of pension systems in the European Union
7.3. Specific characteristics of the pension system in Spain: an unsustainable system?
8. Educational policies in Spain and in the European Union. 8.1. Comparative studies at the educational level: educational indicators and problems in the OECD countries.
8.2. Main problems of educational systems: school dropout, social inequality and social reproduction.
9. Family policies in Spain and in the European Union 9.1. Main family policies in Europe.
9.2. Family policies in Europe and Spain: family subsidies, co-responsibility, and new social challenges.
10. Housing policies in Spain and in the European Union 10.1. Main policies of access to housing in Europe.
10.2. Housing policies in Europe and Spain: market vs state.
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