Teaching GuideTerm
University College of Technical Architecture
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Grao en Arquitectura Técnica
  Architectural Graphic Expression II
   Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Capacity to apply the development of the croquis, the proporcionalidad, the language and the technicians of the Graphic Representation of the elements and constructive processes. A6
Capacity of work in team. B7
Capacity of organisation and planning. B2
Capacity for it searches, analysis, selection, utilization and management of the information. B3
Capacity for the resolution of problems. B5
Capacity for it takes of decisions. B6
Autonomous learning. B14
Adaptation to new situations. B15
Frock of study and method of work. B25
Capacity of communication through the word and of the image B27
Sensibility to subjects related with the protection, preservation and put in value of the cultural and architectural heritage. A6
Capacity of improvisation and adaptation stop to confronted the new situation. B28
Prpers expressed correctly, so much of oral form as writing, in the official tongues of the autonomous community. C1
Use the basic tools of the technologies of the information and the communications (TIC) necessary stop the exercise of the his profession and stop the learning along the his life. C3
Prpers developed stop the exercise of an open citizenship, literate, critical, engaged, democratic and solidary, able to analyze the reality, diagnose problems, formulate and implant solutions based in the knowledge and geared to the very common. C4
Understand the importance of the entrepreneurial culture and know the means to the range of the entrepreneurial people. C5
Value critically the knowledge, the technology and the available information to resolve the problems with the that owe to confronted. C6
Assume how professional and citizen the importance of the learning along the life. C7
Value the importance that has the investigation, the innovation and the technological development in the socioeconomic and cultural advance of the society. C8
Adquirir os coñecementos fundamentais sobre os sistemas e aplicacións informáticas específicos e xerais utilizados no ámbito da edificación. A2
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes