Teaching GuideTerm University College of Technical Architecture |
Grao en Arquitectura Técnica |
Subjects |
Architectural Graphic Expression II |
Contents |
Identifying Data | 2019/20 | |||||||||||||
Subject | Architectural Graphic Expression II | Code | 670G01013 | |||||||||||
Study programme |
Descriptors | Cycle | Period | Year | Type | Credits | |||||||||
Graduate | 1st four-month period |
Second | Obligatory | 6 | ||||||||||
Topic | Sub-topic |
Concept of constructive section. Types. Criteria of election. | Learn to represent the parts seccionadas of the buildings with unseen parts of these with complex internal composition. - Differentiate the multiple types of sections that can employ in the definition of the building, executing them in the appropriate place. - Use the number of necessary sections to define the construction of a building. |
Conditioning of the Terrain. You disassemble. | Demoliciones, explanaciones, disassemble, terraplenados, castings, resolve and pozos. Simbologia And representation grafica. Planes of group and of detail. |
Saneamientos, drainages and avenamientos. | Elements of drainage, drain superficial and drain linear. Caskets, pozos, manifolds, works of drainage Types of drainage: -Drainage of walls of containment -Drainages of cimentaciones -Drainages of soleras, of trasdós, etc Planes of group and of details. |
Cimentaciones. | Containments: -Walls of gravity -resistant Walls -Screens -Pilot -Superficial: run, losas, beams centradoras, zapatas. |
Structures. | Of steel, Space, Forged, Supports, Beams, Zancas, Of factory, of Concrete, of Brick, of Stone. General planes and of detail. |
Carpinterias. | Of steel, of Light Alloys, of Hormigon, wooden, of PVC, general Planes and of detail. |
Defences, Rails, Closings. | Persianas: Types and Systems Rails, Fixations,etc Folding , extensible, enrollables, etc Guides, capialzados, drum, motorisation etc general Planes and of detail. |
Factories. | Of block Of brick Of glass Prefabricated Etc general Planes and of detail. |
Installations. | Audiovisual Climatización Electricity Fontaneria Gas Salubridad Rubbishes Depuración and poured Smokes and gases saneamiento Ventilation Of transport Simbologia, general planes and of details. |
Partitions. | Mamparas: Steel, Light Alloys, Wood, etc Doors Septums: Brick, Prefabricated, general Planes and of detail. |
Covers. | Azoteas Ladscaped Transitables No transitables Lucernarios Roofs of fibrocemento Galvanised light Alloys Synthetic Blackboard Of Knit Of General Flat Zinc and of detail. |
Revestimientos. | And paramentos vertical and horizontals: Tiled, chapados, enfoscados,light, industrial, wooden, laminados, moquetas,of ceilings etc. General Planes and of detail. |
New materials and systems of ultima generation. | Façades trasventiladas: Stone, Marmol, fenolicos. Ceramicos, Aluminium Etc Signposts no portantes of coating of the structural plot of a building. General planes and of detail. |
Global work Specify. | Work realised by groups of students in him cual develops a work that engloba all the matter that explain along the course. |